The Central Analytical Facilities of Stellenbosch University house state-of-the-art equipment and provide access and training to postgraduate students, researchers and industry clients across South Africa.
The CAF Microscopy Unit provides access to advanced light and electron microscopes as well as the expertise of dedicated imaging scientists. We support clients from both research and industry, and our applications range from material science to biomedical research.
The CAF Microscopy Unit is spread across three laboratories, two on the Stellenbosch Main campus and one at the Tygerberg Medical Campus
The NuMeRI Node for Infection Imaging in the Western Cape is a state of the art PET/CT research facility, and a core node of the Nuclear Medicine Research Infrastructure (NuMeRI), which forms part of the South African Research Infrastructure Roadmap (SARIR). The Node is hosted by the Central Analytical Facilities (Stellenbosch University) and is located at Tygerberg Hospital, in Cape Town.
Our Equipment
Confocal/Super-resolution Microscopy